• Privacy policy

    Protection des données à caractère personnel Introduction Le règlement n°2016/679 nommé « Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD ou GDPR en anglais) » constitue le nouveau cadre juridique européen en matière de traitement de données à caractère personnel en Europe. Il est applicable depuis le 25 mai 2018….

  • Link a domain name to my VPS

    The domain name must point to the IP address of your VPS. Connect via SSH to the VPS Create the vhost file associated with the domain: nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/yourdomain.conf Add this to the file: ServerName yourdomain.tld ServerAlias alias.yourdomain.tld ServerAlias youralias.tld DocumentRoot /home/yourdomain/www Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All ...

  • MySQL user privileges

    In this guide we will see how to manage the privileges of a user of your MySQL database. The first step is to go to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. Click on the DATABASE MANAGEMENT button. Choose the user name and click on the...

  • Manage a MySQL user

    In this guide we will see how to manage a user of your MySQL database. You need to start by going to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. Click on the DATABASE MANAGEMENT button. It is possible to: Add a user from your database...

  • Assign a MySQL user to my database

    In this guide we will see how to assign a MySQL user to your database. The first step is to go to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. Click on the DATABASE MANAGEMENT button. In the section YOUR MYSQL USERS click on the button ACTIONS...

  • Add a user to my MySQL database

    In this guide we will see how to add a user to your MySQL database. The first step is to go to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. Click on the DATABASE MANAGEMENT button. In the section YOUR MYSQL USERS click on the button ADD USER...

  • List the users of my MySQL database

    In this guide we will see how to manage users of your MySQL database. You need to start by going to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. Click on the DATABASE MANAGEMENT button. In the section YOUR MYSQL DATABASES click on...

  • Delete my MySQL database

    In this guide we will see how to delete your MySQL database. The first thing to do is to go to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. If you have a standard shared package, go to WEB MANAGEMENT. If you have a private MySQL offer, then click...

  • Name of my MySQL database

    In this guide we will see how to add or change the label of your MySQL database. The first step is to go to your Magic Online or Nuxit client interface. Then click on Hostings. If you have a standard shared package, go to WEB MANAGEMENT. If you have a standard...