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  2. Domain names
  3. Manage DNS records

Manage DNS records

The following article describes how to add and manage DNS records from your customer area.

First, go to your trademark control panel, MAGIC or NUXIT.

Manage DNS records

On the dashboard, click Domain in the left menu, or the shortcut.

Domain listing

Panel displays domain list and some details.
Click ACTIONS button for desired domain name, then Manage DNS records.

To be able to edit the DNS records, domain name must have our DNS servers placed.

DNS HOSTING column must be Enabled. Otherwise, records changes will not be working.

Action button for domains

If the domain is not linked to any shared hosting, DNS entry list will show empty blank. Click on ADD NEW RECORD.

Add subdomain DNS record

If the domain is linked to a shared web hosting, there will be a whole record list as following:

Default DNS records

This is the DNS records list for every domain hosted and linked to one of our shared servers:

Shared hosting DNS record list

Add DNS records

Please be aware that TTL entry is optional. Default value is 3600 seconds (one hour), and minimum value is 360 seconds (six minutes).

A and AAAA

The A stands for Address and this is the most fundamental type of DNS record. It indicates the IP address of a given domain.
HOST input field is optional, enter a subdomain or leave it empty if needed.

A DNS record

AAAA records match a domain name to an IPv6 address. They are exactly like DNS A records, except that they store a domain's IPv6 instead of its IPv4 address.

AAAA DNS record


CAA stands for Certification Authority Authorization. It is used to specify which certificate authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue certificates for a domain name.

CAA DNS record

A Canonical NAME record (CNAME), can be used to create an alias from one domain to another domain name.

CNAME DNS record

MX record

Mail eXchange indicates the mail server responsible for rooting e-mails on behalf of a domain name.

MX DNS record

NS record

Stands for Name Server. Basically, NS records tell the Internet where to go to find out a domain's IP address. It shows which server contains the current DNS records.

NS records


Service (SRV) record specifies a host and port for services such as VoIP, XMPP, SIP.

SRV DNS record

Transport Layer Security Authentication is a widely adopted security protocol designed to facilitate data security for communications over the Internet.

TLSA DNS record

TeXT record can be used to associate arbitrary text with a host or other name, such as human readable information about a server, network, data center, or other accounting information. It is also possible to put machine-readable data into TXT records.

TXT DNS record

Edit DNS records

Still on your panel dashboard > left menu Domain > ACTION button for the domain name, then Manage DNS records.

Action button for domains

In the displayed record list, choose the one to change, click ACTION button then Edit.

Edit a dns record

When changing DNS record value, you may edit all fields except the Host. If you have to change the host, then you will need to delete and recreate the DNS entry.

Edit DNS record

Delete DNS records

Still on your panel dashboard > left menu Domain > ACTION button for the domain name, then Manage DNS records.

Action button for domains

In the displayed record list, choose the one to change, click ACTION button then Delete.

Delete DNS record

Confirm DNS entry removal.

Confirm subdomain removal

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Updated on 21 March 2022

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