Enable multisite

If you want to use the WordPress multisite system at Magic Online, there are three steps to follow:

Having the right offer

Only the 10 WP offer allows the use of the multisite system. So, if you have a different offer, you must follow this article to find out how to upgrade.

Choose the configuration

For sites on your network, you can choose to use subfolders, subdomains, or different domain names.

If you want to use subfolders, you will just have to send us the name of these folders so that we can set them up.
If you want to use subdomains, you will need to install the WordPress Multi Domain Mapping plugin and send us the names of the subdomains so we can set them up.
If you want to use different domain names, you will need to purchase the Domain Mapping plugin from WPMU Dev and send us the names of these domain names so that we can set them up.

Contact us

The WordPress admin panel gives instructions to bring in the .htaccess file, however as these files are not compatible with our NGINX servers (see the article WordPress and .htaccess files), you must therefore contact us so that we can activate the multisite manually on your main site.


In your message, you must absolutely specify the sub-folders, sub-domains or domain names to be added in your configuration.

Updated on 12 July 2022

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