In this guide, we will see how to check and modify the configuration and version of PHP.
Check the PHP version
You can find out which version of PHP is used by one of your domains on your hosting by using a .php :
Create a PHP file (ex : info.php ) containing the line :
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Send this file to the directory where the domain for which you want to know the PHP version points (e.g. : "/www/monsite"
Access this file online via the domain name :
Modify PHP configuration
First, go to your trademark control panel, Magic Online or Nuxit.
Then click on Lodging.
Click on the button MANAGEMENT WEB of the accommodation in question.
In the section HOSTED DOMAINSLocate the domain for which you want to edit the configuration or the PHP version, and then click on the ACTIONS and then PHP configuration.
Choose the version of PHP as you wish.
You will see other PHP settings with the possibility to enable or disable them.
It is also possible to activate or deactivate the extensions GMP and Calendar.
New Planet space
Always start by going to your client interface Magic Online or Nuxit.
Then click on the menu Support or Authcode domain which lead directly to the Planet interface.
Once the interface is open, follow the menu Shared Hosting.
Click on WEB MANAGEMENT of the accommodation in question.
In the section Hosted DomainsLocate the domain for which you want to edit the configuration or the PHP version, and then click on the ACTIONS and then PHP CONFIGURATION.
Choose the version of PHP as you wish.
You will see other PHP settings with the possibility to enable or disable them.
It is also possible to activate or deactivate the extensions GMP and Calendar.