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Anonymous Whois

Definition of Anonymous Whois

First of all you need to know the meaning of the term whois (" who ", " is ", in English " who is ? The term "domain name" refers to any public database or directory containing the contact information of domain name owners.

By default, the Whois is available to anyone. Internet users can misuse or abuse the contact information provided for your domain.

The Anonymity option is a "paying" alternative for those who do not want their contact information to be displayed in the Whois information of their domain name. This protects the person or company from being sent spam (advertisements, requests to buy your domain, etc.) and from being sent false emails (a service provider posing as the registrar of your domain in order to encourage you to renew) or other abuse.

Anonymous WHOIS and RGPD

Submit a domain nameRegistering a domain name is like registering a trademark. The domain name is in the name of a natural or legal person. You specify who will be the owner of the domain name at the time of registration.

If you have put personal data on your customer profile on the territory of the European Union member countries, the RGPD will be active automatically and for free. Your data is therefore hidden on the Whois databases.

If you have put your company on your customer profile even if it is present on the territory of European Union member countries, the RGPD will not be active. Your data will be published on the Whois databases and you will have to order the Anonymous Whois option to hide them.

If you have put personal or company data on your customer profile outside the territory of the European Union member countries, the RGPD will not be active. Therefore, your data will be published on the Whois databases and you will have to order the Anonymous Whois option to hide them.

These rules apply to all domain name registrars.

Usefulness of the Anonymous Whois

This service consists of protecting your personal information by displaying anonymous information in WHOIS databases. Instead of finding your information, the viewer is prompted to go to a website ( PrivacyProtect.org ) from which she will be able to send you an email through a form (she will never have direct access to your email address).

Therefore, if you do not want your personal data to be exposed publicly on the Internet, this is the ideal solution. In this case, the registrar will of course keep track of the actual contact details of the holder.

Cost of Anonymous Whois

The cost of this option depends on the domain extension. When you activate it, the system automatically displays the associated amount.

Anonymous Whois Limit

There are extensions where it is not possible to enable Anonymous Whois. The Registry (not the Registrar) decides this.

Anonymous Whois Activation

This option is offered for all new domain name registrations in the order form.

For domains already ordered, you can activate this option under Domain > Click on the domain in question > ADVANCED OPTIONS > ACTIONS > Activate the Whois service. The option will be billed to you on a pro-rata basis until the expiration date of your domain name.

If the interface displays an error, do not hesitate to contact our assistance per ticket.

Updated on 29 November 2022

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