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WordPress : Enable SSL on my site

  1. Installing an SSL certificate on the domain name of your WordPress site
  2. Connect to the back-office interface (administration) of the WordPress site. The URL is usually in the form of : http://nomdedomaine.tld/wp-admin if you have not placed it in a specific folder.
  3.  Go to Settings then General.
  4. In the fields "WordPress web address (URL)" and "Site web address (URL)" enter your domain name preceded by https://. Example on the PHPNET blog.
  5. Validate by clicking on the button Save changesat the bottom of the page.

There could be a number of URLs left containing links to your domain in http (especially links to media). You should come back to your webmaster to correct these links and avoid security alerts.

Feel free to consult our help for recommended performance parameters of WordPress.

Updated on 17 February 2020

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